Your Journey with OU-JLIC


University of Chicago

Meet The Couple

Rav Yehudah and Hannah Auerbach

Rav Yehudah and Hannah Auerbach have been the directors of JLIC at the University of Chicago since August 2021. They spent the previous four years living in Sha’alvim, where they supported many yeshiva students, building a vibrant Jewish life in the community. Together with their three children, Daniel, Elisha, and Binyamin, they are so excited to be a part of the University of Chicago Jewish community sharing and building an enriching Jewish experience. Hannah Auerbach hails from Teaneck, New Jersey via Rochester New York. She spent a year learning at Michlelet Mivaseret Yerushalayim, did national service in Israel, and studied at the Jerusalem College of Technology for a BA in Accounting and Informational Science. She has spent summers working at various summer camps, and for many Read More
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University of Chicago